Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Bible in Little Plastic Pieces

Okay, I have to admit, Americans have too much time on their hands...

This crazy athiest guy has a pretty funny site. For the most part, he just uses the LEGOs to illustrate what the Bible stories talk about. Those of you who've read the Old Testament know that life back in the day was no joke. This is not for the children. Let me repeat: You DO NOT want to have to explain to your children why Lot's daughters got him drunk... That said, no worries, the "Reverend Brendan Powell Smith" might be an athiest but he has enough respect to put ratings on the stories so you'll know before hand if any LEGOs get naked, cursed, or killed. You could always just read the other ones. Check out his site here.
The fact that he's an athiest might explain why he makes most of the characters look so angry...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How did you even find such a website...and when does this man find time to make these leggo scenarios? In between sermons? Heck, they don't even sell half of these pieces, and you know I should know.