Saturday, December 02, 2006

From a non-Bollywood fan...

I've been keeping up with the blog of Ryan Nee, a guy who's spending this year in a "round the world" type tour. I found out about his blog from somebody (his brother I think) over at Ryan was in India the past few weeks and saw Dhoom 2 without subtitles on his last day in Kolkata. His description made me laugh out loud:

One of the few things I knew about Bollywood is that they release the songs from the movie well before the movies hit theatres so that people can sing along and get really into the movies as they're watching them. Sure enough, I somehow knew a few of the songs just because I've been in India for a few months. The whole movie was in Hindi, so it was a little bit confusing, but I understood most of what was going on. Actually, I guess you could say the movie was in Hinglish, the weird Hindi-English crossover language spoken by the Indian upper middle class. Dialogue went something like this:

Oh my god! Hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi. That's so cool, man! Hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi is all that I've ever wanted. Hindi hindi hindi hindi hindi. Oh, I know darling! Hindi hindi hindi.
I'm watching Anbe Sivam right now without subtitles. (I know, that's what happens when you obtain media illegally.) I like the movie. It's really funny but I'm not sure how engaged I'd be if there wasn't any Hinglish Tinglish Tanglish! How else is a monolingual supposed to know if they're following okay?

As for Ryan, you can read about his travels at If you check his older posts, he's got some pretty nice photos and mini-video clips of his time in India and China. I think he went to Nepal and Bangladesh too but I can't remember so you'll have to check it out for yourself!


Beth Loves Bollywood said...

I want a t-shirt that says that, except I want all the "Hindi Hindi Hindi" to be replaced with actual Hindi movie nonsense. If you'll excuse the poor grammar for the sake of emphasis, I want one bad.

Anonymous said...

For some reason i am not digging the usual cow and curry seeking spiritual tourists blog. Making blanket statements based on the places he visits.
Varanasi is a hell hole. Everyone knows that. Except for the cultural rapers of the world who are lured by tourist guide books written during colonial times(not since updated) seeking cows and polluted rivers. I hate tourists who seek these varanasi,rajasthan,agra,old delhi. Somebody needs to update these tourist guides.

Indianoguy said...

I agree with anon on couple of things. I always felt that most Westerners go to third world countries just reinforce their prejudices and to feel good about themselves or how civilised they are

But, I feel Ryan is different or better from whatever travelogues I read before

t-HYPE, Anbe Sivam is one of my all time favourites. lol, I think the language in this case is Tinglish or Tanglish( Tamil + English)

Ryan Nee said...

Hey guys. Just a question... where would you recommend a foreign visitor to go in India?

By the way, the same thing happens in America... people go to LA, San Francisco, Florida, New Orleans and New York, which by no means represent "the real" America. Oh well.

t-HYPE said...

indianogy, correction noted.

But now for the all-difficult decision: Tinglish or Tanglish...