Thursday, October 18, 2007

I'm a closet Republican.

Dang. My sister just sent me a link to this quiz.

Apparently, my views on money pushed me from donkey to elephant.

For shame. For shame.

I always say, "When I get rich, I'm gonna vote Republican." I guess I'm about 1.5 million dollars ahead of myself...


Anonymous said...

I was very clearly a dem...I had 7 dem candidates before I hit a republican. woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I learned that I am a democrat to almost a ridiculous degree.

Anonymous said...

i knew it! :-P

Anonymous said...

Great quiz...I'm sending it to some friends.
You should let Sepia Mutiny know about it...

Indianoguy said...

I too am Dem (No surprises there)
BTW, Nice quiz!